Friday, June 20, 2014

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Farewell 6th Grade Friends!

What a wonderful All School Sing we had today! Each class participated in its own unique way to offer advice and warm wishes to our retiring teachers and to our graduating 6th grade friends. 2B and 2W joined forces to offer up some advice to the 6th graders about their upcoming transition to Frontier.

June Birthdays!!

We celebrated two second grade birthdays last week. We celebrated with River on Monday, the 9th, and with Aleks on Friday, the 13th.

River shared his favorite birding book with us and Aleks told us about his special birthday gift -- a new hamster.

Check out the adorable birthday kids:

Monday, June 2, 2014

Symmetry with Mr. Barshefsky!

Monday morning began with a very special math lesson taught by Mr. Barshefsky.  The two second grade classes gathered in the gym for an engaging, movement-based lesson in symmetry. The children explored the mathematical concept of symmetry by creating symmetrical and asymmetrical poses with their bodies. They also enjoyed a few rounds of symmetry tag. What a great way to start the week!
Second graders copying Mr. B's symmetrical pose. 

Mr. B is sculpting Riley into a symmetrical statue. 

Now Riley is sculpting Mr. B!

River and Kasiac are planning a symmetrical pose. 

Jack is demonstrating an asymmetrical pose. 

Hunter is showing Cole his asymmetrical pose.

Here is Chris in an asymmetrical pose. 

The I CAN statements for today's lesson.